Redefine Your Idea of Success

Chrisn1How do you define success?  Zig Ziglar’s definition isn’t about money, position or power, it’s much more.

In his book, Born to Win:  Find Your Success Code, Ziglar encourages us to broaden our idea of success.  His idea of “balanced” success gives us food for thought as we reflect on 2015 and consider how to grow personally and professionally in 2016!

Here are eight ways Ziglar says success can show up in our lives:

1. Knowing that you did a great job when you close the door to your office at the end of each workday and head for home.

2. Having a home and people to love who love you in return.

3. Having the financial security to meet your obligations each month and the knowledge that you have provided that security for your family in the event of your demise.

4. Having the kind of faith that lets you know that all things work for the greater good even when there seems to be no place to turn.

5. Having an interest or hobby that gives you joy and peace.

6. Knowing who you are.

7. Taking good care of yourself and walking up healthy each day.

8. Slipping under the covers at the end of the day and realizing with gratitude that, “It just doesn’t get much better than this!”

May you enjoy increased happiness, well-being – and SUCCESS – in the New Year!


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